2.0 Rebase Protocol with over 2,000% APY

RCUBE V2 is the next evolution on RETRO DEFI ecosystem. It incorporates DEFI 2.0 mechanics and the latest technology on REBASE protocols.

We are calling this the RAC Protocol or RCUBE Auto-Compounding Protocol.

The RAC Protocol gives RCUBE holders the power of autostaking and auto-compounding by holding in wallet. This complex protocol guarantees a minimum of 2,000% APY or a daily ROI of at least .1052%.

Similar to RCUBE, the RAC Protocol uses a positive rebase formula, making it possible for daily token distribution directly proportional to the daily rebase rewards, worth at least .2552% of the total amount of tokens held in your wallet.

The rebase rewards are distributed on each rebase period to all holders. This means that without moving their tokens from their wallet, RCUBEV2 holders receive an annual compound interest of at least 2,000% APY based on the amount of tokens in wallet.

Each buy and sell will get charged with a tax implemented by the RAC Protocol that will sustain the whole entire rewards distribution and long term operation of the protocol using 2 external layers of sustainability. This two layers are the RLI (RCUBE Liquidity Injection) and the RTV (RCUBE Treasury Vault).

Buy TAX= 5%

Sell TAX= 10%

Last updated